Chemistry & Biochemistry
Functional Inorganic Materials @UMD

Our Research and Vision
Without the material, the technology does not exist. Therefore, our starting point is always materials design, solid state synthesis, and crystal growth. In the Rodriguez Laboratory, we focus on the exploration of functional inorganic materials and in understanding how structure at the atomic scale, as determined from neutron and x-ray diffraction techniques, leads to extraordinary magnetic, electronic, and ionic properties. We primarily study ferroic materials, superconductors, magnetic materials, and oxygen storage materials.
We are a highly interdisciplinary group, comfortably existing at the intersection of solid state chemistry, condensed matter physics, crystallography, and materials science. Scroll below to learn more about our specific sponsored projects.
We also specialize in crystallographic techniques to study our functional materials with most of our beamline experiments taking place at the NIST Center for Neutron Research, the Spallation Neutron Source (ORNL), the High-flux Isotope Reactor (ORNL), and the Advanced Photon Source (ANL). In addition, we contribute to this vibrant community by co-organizing or participating in the Neutron and X-ray Scattering School, Solving Magnetic Structures School, and Fundamentals of Quantum Materials (FQM) School.
To learn more about each project, click on the images in the slide.
Latest Publications